Trade Department Of Mehr Etesal Safahan

Through employing expert specialists in sales and various representations all over the country, in addition to expanding its activities in all the provinces and counties in the country and providing specific services to its representatives, the trade department of Mehr Etesal Safahan Co. has reduced the time gap between the time of order to supplying the goods to its minimum, in order to provide the demands of the consumers as soon as possible.

In destining the new programs of the organization and providing specific opportunities to you, this plant has tried to present the following services in the best possible ways:

Special proposals for purchasing

in todayʽs competitive world and the confused economic market that has created worries for the producers, Mehr Etesal Safahan has tried to reduce the possible stresses to the consumers and buyers to minimum by reducing its annual rate of profit, reducing costs and increasing special discounts. Hence we provide special offers to you these offers include proposing for purchasing the goods that have the highest quality, have their prices reduced due to high rate of demands and the customers welfare, or have get special discounts to be assigned for them.

Requesting representative agencies

Due to extensive interest of the Iranian citizen to cooperate with Mehr Etesal Safahan, this company has managed to provide representative agencies all over the country. Hence if you are interested in cooperating with this complex, please apply for getting the representative agency. Our specialists will contact you in the shortest possible time for future negotiations.
By downloading the representative request form placed in the commercial menu in the main page and sending it, you can just act for this profitable action and join the great family of Mehr Etesal.


You are kindly asked to send your requests after completing the order forms by fax or email. Our sales persons will contact you as soon as possible.

Internet purchasing system

You are kindly informed that in very near future, you can easily and in very short time send your orders to us by the internet purchasing system. Please contact with the specialists of sales engineering department of Mehr Etesal Co. for your view, critics and offers for improving the trend of this important activity.